Browsing by Author Khoo W.R.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Aug-2017Methodological quality assessment of paper-based systematic reviews published in oral health.Mahar R.; Faggion C.M.; Khoo W.R.; Kan G.; Wasiak J.; Shen A.Y.; Tan H.B.
30-Dec-2016Pneumothoraces in newborn infants froma level III NICU-10-year trend.Kaye B.; Khoo W.R.; Tan K. ; Earnest A.; Sasi A. 
22-Aug-2017Pneumothoraces in neworn infants from a nicu-outcomes from 10 year trend.Tan K. ; Khoo W.R.; Bawden K.; Sasi A. ; Earnest A.