Browsing by Author King S.

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
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4-May-2017Acute pancreatitis complicating choledochal cysts in children.King S.; Panabokke G.; Paul E.; Ferguson P.; Dagia C.; Clarnette T.; Nataraja R. ; Muthucumaru M.; Ljuhar D.
18-Oct-2012Body composition assessment in adults with cystic fibrosis: Comparison of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry with skinfolds and bioelectrical impedance analysis.Nyulasi I.; Wilson J. ; King S.; Kotsimbos T.; Bailey M.
26-Jul-2018Evaluating the impact of 2006 Australasian Clinical Practice Guidelines for nutrition in children with cystic fibrosis in Australia.Ahern S.; Wainwright C.; Armstrong D. ; Pekin N.; Ruseckaite R.; King S.; Earnest A.; Carr E.; Oldroyd J.
11-Jul-2018Evaluating the impact of 2006 clinical practice guidelines for nutrition in children with cystic fibrosis in Australia.Carr E.; Ahern S.; Oldroyd J.; Earnest A.; Sims G.; Wainwright C.; Armstrong D. ; Ruseckaite R.; Pekin N.; King S.
3-Nov-2021Examining the role of specialist palliative care in geriatric care to inform collaborations: A survey on the knowledge, practice and attitudes of geriatricians in providing palliative care.Runacres F.; Poon P. ; King S.; Lustig J. ; Ugalde A.
1-Jul-2020Feasibility of ultra-rapid exome sequencing in critically ill infants and children with suspected monogenic conditions in the Australian public health care system. [JAMA]Tan T.Y.; Springer A.; Tan N.B.; Temple S.L.; Theda C.; Vasudevan A.; White S.M.; Yeung A.; Zhu Y.; Martyn M.; Best S.; Roscioli T.; Christodoulou J.; Stark Z.; Lunke S.; Eggers S.; Wilson M.; Patel C.; Barnett C.P.; Pinner J.; Sandaradura S.A.; Buckley M.F.; Krzesinski E.I.; De Silva M.G.; Brett G.R.; Boggs K.; Mowat D.; Kirk E.P.; Ades L.C.; Akesson L.S.; Amor D.J.; Ayres S.; Baxendale A.; Borrie S.; Bray A.; Brown N.J.; Chan C.Y.; Chong B.; Cliffe C.; Delatycki M.B.; Edwards M.; Elakis G.; Fahey M.C.; Fennell A. ; Fowles L.; Gallacher L.; Higgins M.; Howell K.B.; Hunt L.; Hunter M.F. ; Jones K.J.; King S.; Kumble S.; Lang S.; Le Moing M.; Ma A.; Phelan D.; Quinn M.C.J.; Richards A.; Richmond C.M.; Riseley J.; Rodgers J.; Sachdev R.; Sadedin S.; Schlapbach L.J.; Smith J. 
25-Dec-2020Feasibility of ultra-rapid exome sequencing in critically ill infants and children with suspected monogenic conditions in the Australian public health care system. [Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey]Fennell A. ; Lunke S.; Eggers S.; Wilson M.; Patel C.; Barnett C.P.; Pinner J.; Sandaradura S.A.; Buckley M.F.; Krzesinski E.I.; de Silva M.G.; Brett G.R.; Boggs K.; Mowat D.; Kirk E.P.; Ades L.C.; Akesson L.S.; Amor D.J.; Ayres S.; Baxendale A.; Borrie S.; Bray A.; Brown N.J.; Chan C.Y.; Chong B.; Cliffe C.; Delatycki M.B.; Edwards M.; Elakis G.; Fahey M.C.; Fowles L.; Gallacher L.; Higgins M.; Howell K.B.; Hunt L.; Hunter M.F. ; Jones K.J.; King S.; Kumble S.; Lang S.; Le Moing M.; Ma A.; Phelan D.; Quinn M.C.J.; Richards A.; Richmond C.M.; Riseley J.; Rodgers J.; Sachdev R.; Sadedin S.; Schlapbach L.J.; Smith J. ; Springer A.; Tan N.B.; Tan T.Y.; Temple S.L.; Theda C.; Vasudevan A.; White S.M.; Yeung A.; Zhu Y.; Martyn M.; Best S.; Roscioli T.; Christodoulou J.; Stark Z.
16-Mar-2019Management of Hirschsprung disease in Australia and New Zealand: a survey of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Paediatric Surgeons (ANZAPS).Pacilli M. ; Nataraja R.M.; Ferguson P.; King S.; Lynch A.
1-Oct-2020Measured Energy Expenditure Compared With Best-Practice Recommendations for Obese, Critically Ill Patients-A Prospective Observational Study.Udy A.; Ridley E.J.; Tierney A.; King S.; Ainslie E.; Nyulasi I.; Scheinkestel C.
4-May-2020Response to Webb et al. Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know about Caring for Patients with Hematologic Malignancies (DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2019.0332).King S.; Dellit M.; Franco M. ; Runacres F.; Poon P. ; Yoong J.; Lin E.
24-Nov-2023Short oral regimens for pulmonary rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (tb-practecal): an open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 2b-3, multi-arm, multicentre, non-inferiority trial.Nyang'wa B.-T.; Berry C.; Kazounis E.; Motta I.; Parpieva N.; Tigay Z.; Moodliar R.; Dodd M.; Solodovnikova V.; Liverko I.; Rajaram S.; Rassool M.; McHugh T.; Spigelman M.; Moore D.A.; Ritmeijer K.; du Cros P.; Fielding K.; Da Costa E.; Lachenal N.; James N.; Sinha A.; LeBeau K.; Douch E.; Jolivert P.; Poulsom H.; Conijn M.; King S.; Spencer H.; Cunden E.; Batts C.; Vuong T.; Dietrich S.; McRae M.; Wong S.; Sun E.; Olugbosi M.; Shanks L.; Hughes M.; Nahid P.; Kumwenda J.; Lorenz T.; Majumdar S.; Horsburgh R.C.; Nuermberger E.; Meintjes G.; Eisenach K.; Lienhardt C.; Nunn A.; Lange C.; Park L.; Gatts C.; Warren D.; Kleiman R.; Mokua Nyangweso G.; Ochieng M.; Egondi T.; Onyango K.; Omollo T.; Omollo R.; Sturgess J.; Saunders S.; Allen E.; Gajewski S.; Butoescu V.; Hanekova J.; Etter C.; Kambarov Y.; Mphele S.; Sukhinina V.; Huzar O.; Reshetnikov A.; Cillie C.; Ahmed N.; Hunt R.; Merle C.; Gulayim A.; Mbenga M.; Baltasheva Z.S.; Abdrasuliev T.; Margaryan H.; Urgenishbaevna U.G.; Skrahina A.; Yatskevich N.; Viatushka D.; Apanasevich T.; Skrahin A.; Duckworth L.; Narasimooloo C.; Lesego N.E.; Motlhako S.; Mashamaite M.E.; Mojapelo E.