Gender dysphoria: Reconsidering ethical and iatrogenic factors in clinical practice. [16-Nov-2023]
Halasz G.; Amos A.
concerning lapses of clinical governance influenced by activists and linked to patient harm. The recent suspension of a senior child psychiatrist from an Australian public hospital service after questioning the evidence base and ethical foundation of gender
Sensitive responsiveness in expectant and new fathers. [2-Jun-2023]
Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J.; van IJzendoorn M.H.
Fathers have an increasingly important role in the family and contribute through their sensitive responsiveness to positive child development. Research on parenting more often included fathers as caregivers in the past two decades. We present a
Child abuse and neglect - Counting the costs. [11-Oct-2012]
Newman L.
The long-term effects of child abuse place a large burden on the healthcare system, but the costs are more than financial. The psychological and emotional cost to abused and neglected children is long lasting and life changing.
Evaluating the Effect of Parent-Child Interactive Groups in a School-Based Parent Training Program: Parenting Behavior, Parenting Stress and Sense of Competence. [25-Dec-2021]
Buchanan-Pascall S.; Melvin G.A.; Gordon M.S. ; Gray K.M.
the Exploring Together program with (Exploring Together; ET) and without (Exploring Together-Adapted; ET-Adapted) the parent-child interactive component. One hundred and thirty-six parents and their children (aged 5-10 years) with externalizing and
Communication: As easy as child's play. [13-Sep-2018]
Roseby R.Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Parent Group Interventions for Primary School Children Aged 4-12 Years with Externalizing and/or Internalizing Problems. [16-Jul-2019]
Gray K.M.; Melvin G.A.; Gordon M.; Buchanan-Pascall S.
aimed at ameliorating child externalizing and/or internalizing problems in children aged 4-12 years. Random effects meta-analyses yielded significant pooled treatment effect size (g) estimates for child externalizing (g=-0.38) and internalizing problems
Counselling the victims of child sexual assault. [25-Oct-2012]
McMichael A.
When the doctor encounters real or suspected child sexual abuse it is important to act responsibly in the best interests of the child. This means seeking advice from experts, arranging an appropriate referral and reporting the abuse
Sleep as a Major Determinant for Mental Health Outcomes in Elite Australian Football League (AFL) Athletes. [19-Apr-2022]
Facer-Childs E.R.; Mascaro L.; Hoffman D.; Mansfield D. ; Drummond S.P.A.; Rajaratnam S.M.W.Aspects of child psychotherapy. [25-Oct-2012]
Halasz G.Failure to replicate a robust Down syndrome advantage for maternal well-being. [13-Jan-2021]
Totsika V.; Jess M.; Flynn S.; Bailey T.; Hastings R.P.
child-related characteristics and external variables were controlled, the Down syndrome advantage was no longer present, with reduced, small effect sizes observed for all maternal outcomes. Conclusion(s): Initial group differences in psychological
Departments & Affiliations
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
Journal of Family Psychology
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
Child Neuropsychology
Child's Nervous System: Chns: Official Journal Of The International Society For Pediatric Neurosurgery
J Paediatr Child Health
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