

Functional outcomes in children and adolescents with neurodisability accessing music therapy: A scoping review   [29-Oct-2024]

Twyford K.; Taylor S.; Valentine J.; Pool J.; Baron, Annette ; Thornton A.
Abstract , adolescents, families, and interprofessional teams are needed to identify the most effective music therapy methods and techniques for functional outcomes in paediatric neurodisability.

Effect of occupational therapy home visit discharge planning on participation after stroke: Protocol for the HOME Rehab trial.   [9-Jul-2021]

Lannin N.A.; Clemson L.; Drummond A.; Stanley M.; Churilov L.; Laver K.; O'Keefe S.; Cameron I.; Crotty M.; Usherwood T.; Andrew N.E.; Jolliffe L.; Cadilhac D.A.
Abstract and provision of appropriate equipment, there is currently limited evidence to support this recommendation. Methods and analysis The HOME Rehab trial is a national, multicentre, phase III randomised controlled trial with concealed allocation, blinded assessment

SMARTphone-based, early cardiac REHABilitation in patients with acute coronary syndromes [SMART-REHAB Trial]: A randomized controlled trial protocol.   [15-Sep-2016]

Jelinek M.; Joshi S.; Phan K.; Nasis A. ; Amerena J.; Arunothayaraj S.; Kalten K.; Reid C.; Farouque O.; Clark D.J.; Yudi M.B.; Tsang D.

Comment on: "Botulinum Toxin in the Management of Children with Cerebral Palsy".   [15-Dec-2019]

Carroll T.; Hennel S.; Wimalasundera N.; Burnett H.; Waugh M.-C.; Scheinberg A.; Langdon K.; Copeland L.; Edwards P.; Rodwell K.; McLennan K.; Bandaranayake S.; O'Flaherty S.; Lim E.

State of the Evidence Traffic Lights 2019: Systematic Review of Interventions for Preventing and Treating Children with Cerebral Palsy.   [9-Mar-2020]

Hines A.; Langdon K.; Namara M.M.; Paton M.C.; Popat H.; Morgan C.; Shore B.; Novak I.; Khamis A.; Stanton E.; Finemore O.P.; Tricks A.; te Velde A.; Dark L.; Morton N.; Badawi N.; Fahey M. ; Finch-Edmondson M.; Galea C.
Abstract Inpatient cardiac rehab, commonly known as Phase 1, has traditionally been performed by nursing staff only and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, they were often required to fill staffing gaps instead of delivering education to patients.

Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors: Effect of advice from an exercise specialist in Australian general practice.   [10-Aug-2000]

Halbert J.A.; Hamdorf P.A.; Silagy C.A.; Finucane P.M.; Withers R.T.

Annual Report 2011-2012   [1-Sep-2012]

Southern Health
Title Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Title J Paediatr Child Health
Title Paediatric Nursing skills for Australian Nurses