
Abstract health care professionals perceive their roles in improving patient safety. This study aimed to explore how Bhutanese health care professionals, educators, managers, and policy makers perceived their roles in improving patient safety. METHOD

Quality Improvement.   [25-May-2021]

Kilkenny M.F.; Bravata D.M.
Abstract management techniques that underpin these can be taught, and learned, but rarely are, in postgraduate medical curricula. This overview of how to do a quality improvement project will provide medical imaging professionals with a systematic approach
Abstract therapy for acute leukaemia, achieved morphological remission and not proceeding to allogenic stem cell transplant in first remission, are eligible to participate. Patients are reviewed 3-monthly for 24 months in a dedicated IMPROVE clinic where

Improving the Quality of Electronic Medical Record Documentation: Development of a Compliance and Quality Program.   [15-Sep-2022]

Jedwab R.M. ; Franco, Michael ; Owen D.; Ingram A.; Redley B. ; Dobroff N. 
Abstract . OBJECTIVE(S): Our objective was to report the development of an iterative quality improvement program for nursing, midwifery, and medical EMR documentation. METHOD(S): The Model for Improvement quality improvement framework guided cycles of "Plan, Do

Advances in Stroke: Quality Improvement.   [5-May-2022]

Bravata D.M.; Purvis T.; Kilkenny M.F.
Abstract , and in the detection and surveillance of neoplastic conditions. Superior CT image quality allows improved diagnostic accuracy of these conditions and more appropriate management. CTAP image quality is defined by contrast resolution, spatial resolution, image noise

Improving quality in a complex primary care system-An example of refugee care and literature review.   [2-Jul-2020]

Young R.A.; Martin C.M. ; Castellon R.E.; Nelson M.J.
Abstract adaptive system (CAS) that is particularly responsive to bottom-up rather than top-down management approaches. We report on a demonstration case study of improvements made in the Family Health Center (FHC) of the JPS Health Network in a refugee patient

Patient safety policies, guidelines, and protocols in Bhutan.   [29-Sep-2020]

Hutchinson A.M. ; Pelzang R.
Abstract descriptive inquiry using policy and guidelines document review/analysis. Quality care and patient safety policy and guidelines documents were manually collected from the Ministry of Health and three different levels of hospitals (national referral, regional
Title International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance