

Prevalence of mental illness among parents of children receiving treatment within child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS): a scoping review.   [18-Mar-2020]

Naughton M.; Campbell T.C.H.; Reupert A.; Sutton K.; Basu S.; Maybery D.; Davidson G.; Middeldorp C.M.
Abstract mental illness in CAMHS; (3) identify additional circumstances associated with families where both parent and child experience mental illness; and (4) present recommendations that have been made for CAMHS practice based on these findings. English language

A call for mental health illiteracy.   [26-Mar-2020]

Samuel B.

Ethical dilemmas in infant mental health: examples from child protection, home visiting, and medical contexts. Zeanah, Charles H; Korfmacher, Jon; Lim, Issak; Steier, Alison; Zeanah, Paula D

Abstract protection, home visiting, and medical settings. The field of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) should begin to discuss such dilemmas and how best to balance the needs of caregivers and infants when they are not well aligned. (PsycInfo Database

Nurse and patient factors: Predicting seclusion in adolescent psychiatric units.   [17-Dec-2021]

Yurtbasi M.K.; Melvin G.; Pavlou C.; Gordon M.
Abstract Psychiatric Inpatient Unit. FINDINGS: Increased seclusion was predicted by a lower nurse to patient ratio, more male nurses on shift, fewer female nurses on shift, the presence of agency/temporary nurses on shift, greater combined years of mental health

Introduction to special section doing the "right" thing: Ethical issues in infant and early childhood mental health.   [26-Oct-2023]

Zeanah P.D.; Korfmacher J.; Lim I.; Steier A.; Zeanah C.H.
Abstract psychological distress over time, while mothers of children with ADHD had reducing distress. The bidirectional relationship between mother and child mental health found in children without diagnoses was only partially present in children with ASD/ADHD. Findings
Abstract Objectives: Eating disorders are serious psychiatric conditions that affect people of all ages. Many psychiatry trainees' first and only experience with eating disorders during training is their Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP) rotation

Maternal mental health in pregnancy.   [9-Jun-2021]

Breadon C.
Abstract Women's mental health in pregnancy forms the platform for their developing relationship with their unborn child and the basis for the healthy first year of that child's life within their family. Major mental illness in pregnancy, as well
Abstract and the impact on service design. Result(s): Developmental issues can shape service design. Conclusion(s): Mental health services need to be informed and responsive to changing developmental needs and of the context of child development in terms of family

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: The Prevalence of Mental Illness in Child and Adolescent Refugees and Asylum Seekers.   [7-Aug-2020]

Misso M.; Gray K.M.; Boyle J.A.; Fazel M.; Ranasinha S.; Fitzgerald G.; Gibson-Helm M.; Blackmore R.
Abstract , further subgroup analyses were conducted. Conclusion(s): Refugee and asylum seeker children have high rates of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Without the serious commitment by health and resettlement services to provide early support to promote mental
Title Advances in Mental Health
Title Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Title Mental Health Review Journal
Title International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Title International journal of mental health nursing
Title Community Mental Health Journal
Title Issues in Mental Health Nursing
Title The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice
Title J Paediatr Child Health
Title Child Neuropsychology