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Title: An Erg-driven transcriptional program controls B cell lymphopoiesis.
Authors: Alexander W.S.;Rogers K.;Tarlinton D.M.;Smyth G.K.;Davis M.J.;Nutt S.L.;Ng A.P.;Coughlan H.D.;Hediyeh-zadeh S.;Behrens K.;Johanson T.M.;Low M.S.Y.;Bell C.C.;Gilan O.;Chan Y.-C.;Kueh A.J.;Boudier T.;Feltham R.;Gabrielyan A.;DiRago L.;Hyland C.D.;Ierino H.;Mifsud S.;Viney E.;Willson T.;Dawson M.A.;Allan R.S.;Herold M.J.
Monash Health Department(s): Haematology
Institution: (Ng, Behrens, Kueh, DiRago, Hyland, Ierino, Mifsud, Viney, Willson, Herold, Alexander) Blood Cells and Blood Cancer Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia (Ng, Coughlan, Johanson, Low, Kueh, Boudier, Allan, Herold, Rogers, Smyth, Davis, Nutt, Alexander) Department of Medical Biology, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia (Coughlan, Hediyeh-zadeh, Smyth, Davis) Bioinformatics Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia (Johanson, Low, Allan, Nutt) Immunology Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia (Low) Monash Haematology, Monash Hospital, Clayton, VIC 3004, Australia (Bell, Gilan, Chan, Dawson) Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Parkville, VIC 3000, Australia (Bell, Gilan, Chan, Dawson) Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia (Boudier, Rogers) Advanced Technology and Biology Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia (Feltham, Gabrielyan) Inflammation Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia (Dawson) Centre for Cancer Research, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia (Tarlinton) Department of Immunology and Pathology, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3004, Australia
Issue Date: 16-Sep-2020
Copyright year: 2020
Publisher: Nature Research
Place of publication: United Kingdom
Publication information: Nature Communications. 11 (1) (no pagination), 2020. Article Number: 3013. Date of Publication: 01 Dec 2020.
Journal: Nature Communications
Abstract: B lymphoid development is initiated by the differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells into lineage committed progenitors, ultimately generating mature B cells. This highly regulated process generates clonal immunological diversity via recombination of immunoglobulin V, D and J gene segments. While several transcription factors that control B cell development and V(D)J recombination have been defined, how these processes are initiated and coordinated into a precise regulatory network remains poorly understood. Here, we show that the transcription factor ETS Related Gene (Erg) is essential for early B lymphoid differentiation. Erg initiates a transcriptional network involving the B cell lineage defining genes, Ebf1 and Pax5, which directly promotes expression of key genes involved in V(D)J recombination and formation of the B cell receptor. Complementation of Erg deficiency with a productively rearranged immunoglobulin gene rescued B lineage development, demonstrating that Erg is an essential and stage-specific regulator of the gene regulatory network controlling B lymphopoiesis.Copyright © 2020, The Author(s).
PubMed URL: 32541654 []
ISSN: 2041-1723 (electronic)
Type: Article
Subjects: B lymphocyte
cell differentiation
cell maturation
gene expression
gene regulatory network
genetic complementation
immunoglobulin gene
lymphoid progenitor cell
transcription regulation
VDJ recombination
B lymphocyte receptor
CD19 antigen
CD22 antigen
CD3 antigen
CD40 ligand
CD79a antigen
CD79b antigen
cre recombinase
DNA dependent protein kinase
fibrinogen receptor
immunoglobulin D
immunoglobulin G1
immunoglobulin M
interferon regulatory factor 4
interleukin 2 receptor alpha
interleukin 4
interleukin 5
lymphoid enhancer factor 1
Myc protein
protein Myb
RAG1 protein
transcription factor 7 like 1
transcription factor ERG
transcription factor PAX5
Bach2 protein
Pou2af1 protein
transcription factor Ebf1
vpreb2 protein
CD4 antigen
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