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Title: Supporting adoption of the palliative approach toolkit in residential aged care: an exemplar of organisational facilitation for sustainable quality improvement.
Authors: Morgans A.;Dunne M.;Davis J.
Institution: (Davis) College of Science Health & Engineering, School of Nursing & Midwifery, La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC 3082, Australia (Morgans) Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia (Dunne) Monash Medical Centre, Wellington Rd, Clayton, VIC, Australia
Issue Date: 24-Sep-2019
Copyright year: 2019
Publisher: NLM (Medline)
Place of publication: United States
Publication information: Contemporary nurse. 55 (4-5) (pp 369-379), 2019. Date of Publication: 01 Aug 2019.
Abstract: Background: National guidelines and resources to support a palliative approach in residential aged care were designed to improve the provision of palliative and end-of-life care; however, implementation has been sporadic. Objective(s): To support implementation of a palliative approach in aged care using a facilitation training model and existing palliative approach toolkit resources. Method(s): Organisation-wide educational intervention delivered by a specialised Palliative Approach Facilitator for 6 months. Training included palliative approach principles, advance care planning, clinical management, equipment use, case conferencing, care planning and self-care. Result(s): The intervention included 197 internal and external staff and reviewed advanced care plans for 484 clients. Increased staff knowledge and confidence with discussions involving advance care planning, end-of-life care and supporting bereaving families resulted. Conclusion(s): This targeted intervention addressed barriers to adoption of a palliative approach, representing a flexible training model for building workforce capacity, promoting quality improvement and sustaining best practice in aged care settings.
PubMed URL: 31535953 []
ISSN: 1839-3535 (electronic)
Type: Article
Appears in Collections:Articles

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