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dc.contributor.authorShortall D.en
dc.contributor.authorCorda J.en
dc.contributor.authorDentice R.en
dc.contributor.authorGreen M.en
dc.contributor.authorHall K.en
dc.contributor.authorShaw A.en
dc.contributor.authorSmith T.en
dc.contributor.authorHolland A.en
dc.contributor.authorWood J.en
dc.contributor.authorWard N.en
dc.contributor.authorStiller K.en
dc.contributor.authorBingham J.en
dc.contributor.authorBishop J.en
dc.contributor.authorButton B.en
dc.contributor.authorChambers R.en
dc.contributor.authorChung C.en
dc.contributor.authorCobb R.en
dc.contributor.authorHauser J.en
dc.contributor.authorMorrow S.en
dc.contributor.authorNetluch R.en
dc.contributor.authorNichols A.en
dc.contributor.authorRowe H.en
dc.identifier.citationRespirology. Conference: TSANZSRS 2019 Australia and New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science and the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, ANZSRS/TSANZ. Gold Coast, QLD Australia. 24 (Supplement 1) (pp 69), 2019. Date of Publication: March 2019.en
dc.description.abstractIntroduction/Aim: While previous research has identified differences between countries in the airway clearance (ACT) and exercise routines performed by people with cystic fibrosis (CF), the routines of adults with CF across Australia have not been investigated. The aim of this study was to document the ACT and exercise routines of Australian adults with CF. Method(s): Recruitment was open for three months at all Australian adult CF centres, with participants completing a purpose-designed questionnaire examining their ACT and exercise routines over the preceding three months. Demographic data, including the participants' selfperceived respiratory disease severity and sputum quantity measured on visual analogue scales (0 = not severe at all/no sputum, 10 = extremely severe/extreme amount of sputum) were collected. Data are presented as means+/-SDs. Result(s): 758 eligible people were approached, with 692 (91%) completing the survey (57% male, 31.1+/-10.5 years, FEV1pred 63+/-23%). The three most common ACTs were: coughing (70%), huffing (59%) and positive expiratory pressure (PEP) (52%). All other ACTs were used by <20% of participants. Most participants performed an ACT on most days of the week (58%). Those not performing any ACT had significantly higher FEV1pred (80% vs 62%, P < 0.001) and lower perceived severity (1.8 vs 4.0, P < 0.001) and sputum quantity (1.6 vs 3.6, P < 0.001). Walking (76%), lifting weights (43%) and jogging (37%) were the most common types of exercise, with 72% of participants reporting exercising at least three days/week. Conclusion(s): Coughing, huffing and PEP are the most commonly used ACTs in Australian adults with CF. Walking is the most common type of exercise. These self-reported data suggest 58% and 72% of participants achieve the recommended frequency for ACT and exercise respectively.en
dc.publisherWiley Blackwellen
dc.titleAirway clearance and exercise practices of adults with cystic fibrosis: Current Australian practice.en
dc.typeConference Abstracten
dc.identifier.affiliationAllied Health-
dc.identifier.institution(Ward, Morrow, Rowe) Cystic Fibrosis Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia (Ward, Holland) La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia (Stiller) Central Adelaide Local Health Network, Adelaide, Australia (Bingham, Hauser) Physiotherapy, Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, Australia (Bishop) Respiratory Medicine, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia (Button, Holland) Physiotherapy, Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia (Chambers, Cobb, Hall) Physiotherapy, Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Australia (Chung) Physiotherapy, Gosford Hospital, Gosford, Australia (Corda, Nichols) Physiotherapy, Monash Health, Melbourne, Australia (Dentice) Respiratory Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia (Green) Physiotherapy, Canberra Hospital and Health Services, Canberra, Australia (Netluch, Smith) Physiotherapy, John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Australia (Shaw) Physiotherapy, Gold Coast University Hospital, Southport, Australia (Shortall) Physiotherapy, Mater Hospital Brisbane, Brisbane, Australia (Wood) Physiotherapy, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australiaen
dc.description.addressN. Ward, Cystic Fibrosis Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australiaen
dc.description.publicationstatusCONFERENCE ABSTRACTen
dc.rights.statementCopyright 2019 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.en
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Ward, Morrow, Rowe) Cystic Fibrosis Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Ward, Holland) La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Stiller) Central Adelaide Local Health Network, Adelaide, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Bingham, Hauser) Physiotherapy, Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Bishop) Respiratory Medicine, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Button, Holland) Physiotherapy, Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Chambers, Cobb, Hall) Physiotherapy, Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Chung) Physiotherapy, Gosford Hospital, Gosford, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Dentice) Respiratory Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Green) Physiotherapy, Canberra Hospital and Health Services, Canberra, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Netluch, Smith) Physiotherapy, John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Shaw) Physiotherapy, Gold Coast University Hospital, Southport, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Shortall) Physiotherapy, Mater Hospital Brisbane, Brisbane, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationext(Wood) Physiotherapy, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia-
dc.identifier.affiliationmh(Corda, Nichols) Physiotherapy, Monash Health, Melbourne, Australia-
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
item.openairetypeConference Abstract-
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