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dc.contributor.authorCaskey F.en
dc.contributor.authorHawley C.M.en
dc.contributor.authorLevin A.en
dc.contributor.authorWang A.en
dc.contributor.authorPorter A.en
dc.contributor.authorSautenent B.en
dc.contributor.authorReddy B.en
dc.contributor.authorHemmelgarn B.en
dc.contributor.authorSchiller B.en
dc.contributor.authorWheeler D.en
dc.contributor.authorHarris D.en
dc.contributor.authorSchatell D.en
dc.contributor.authorLacson E.en
dc.contributor.authorBavlovlenkov E.en
dc.contributor.authorStrippoli G.en
dc.contributor.authorFeldman H.en
dc.contributor.authorApata I.en
dc.contributor.authorTordoir J.en
dc.contributor.authorFlythe J.en
dc.contributor.authorGill J.en
dc.contributor.authorKusek J.en
dc.contributor.authorAbbott K.en
dc.contributor.authorDember L.en
dc.contributor.authorCervantes L.en
dc.contributor.authorMoist L.en
dc.contributor.authorPoole L.en
dc.contributor.authorTonelli M.en
dc.contributor.authorGallieni M.en
dc.contributor.authorElliot M.en
dc.contributor.authorKlusmeyer M.en
dc.contributor.authorJosephson M.en
dc.contributor.authorRobbin M.en
dc.contributor.authorRiella M.en
dc.contributor.authorEvangelidis N.en
dc.contributor.authorTugwell P.en
dc.contributor.authorRavani P.en
dc.contributor.authorRoy-Chaudhury P.en
dc.contributor.authorMehrotra R.en
dc.contributor.authorPecoits-Filho R.en
dc.contributor.authorCrowe S.en
dc.contributor.authorEvered S.en
dc.contributor.authorSegerer S.en
dc.contributor.authorFadem S.en
dc.contributor.authorMcDonald S.en
dc.contributor.authorSprague S.en
dc.contributor.authorPalmer S.en
dc.contributor.authorPoma T.en
dc.contributor.authorSikirica V.en
dc.contributor.authorJha V.en
dc.contributor.authorvan Biesen W.en
dc.contributor.authorWinkelmayer W.en
dc.contributor.authorMayers A.en
dc.contributor.authorBell B.en
dc.contributor.authorCarter J.en
dc.contributor.authorHardy K.en
dc.contributor.authorEnnis M.en
dc.contributor.authorJohnson M.en
dc.contributor.authorRouse N.en
dc.contributor.authorWright S.en
dc.contributor.authorHarris T.en
dc.contributor.authorMuhammad U.en
dc.contributor.authorMcNorton V.en
dc.contributor.authorMayers D.en
dc.contributor.authorEnnis D.en
dc.contributor.authorKerr P.en
dc.contributor.authorPolkinghorne K.R.en
dc.contributor.authorViecelli A.K.en
dc.contributor.authorTong A.en
dc.contributor.authorO'Lone E.en
dc.contributor.authorJu A.en
dc.contributor.authorHanson C.S.en
dc.contributor.authorSautenet B.en
dc.contributor.authorCraig J.C.en
dc.contributor.authorManns B.en
dc.contributor.authorHowell M.en
dc.contributor.authorChemla E.en
dc.contributor.authorHooi L.-S.en
dc.contributor.authorJohnson D.W.en
dc.contributor.authorLee T.en
dc.contributor.authorLok C.E.en
dc.contributor.authorQuinn R.R.en
dc.contributor.authorVachharajani T.en
dc.contributor.authorVanholder R.en
dc.contributor.authorZuo L.en
dc.identifier.citationAmerican Journal of Kidney Diseases. 71 (5) (pp 690-700), 2018. Date of Publication: 01 May 2018.en
dc.description.abstractVascular access outcomes in hemodialysis are critically important for patients and clinicians, but frequently are neither patient relevant nor measured consistently in randomized trials. A Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology-Hemodialysis (SONG-HD) consensus workshop was convened to discuss the development of a core outcome measure for vascular access. 13 patients/caregivers and 46 professionals (clinicians, policy makers, industry representatives, and researchers) attended. Participants advocated for vascular access function to be a core outcome based on the broad applicability of function regardless of access type, involvement of a multidisciplinary team in achieving a functioning access, and the impact of access function on quality of life, survival, and other access-related outcomes. A core outcome measure for vascular access required demonstrable feasibility for implementation across different clinical and trial settings. Participants advocated for a practical and flexible outcome measure with a simple actionable definition. Integrating patients' values and preferences was warranted to enhance the relevance of the measure. Proposed outcome measures for function included "uninterrupted use of the access without the need for interventions" and "ability to receive prescribed dialysis," but not "access blood flow," which was deemed too expensive and unreliable. These recommendations will inform the definition and implementation of a core outcome measure for vascular access function in hemodialysis trials.Copyright © 2018 National Kidney Foundation, Inc.en
dc.publisherW.B. Saundersen
dc.relation.ispartofAmerican Journal of Kidney Diseasesen
dc.titleReport of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology-Hemodialysis (SONG-HD) Consensus Workshop on Establishing a Core Outcome Measure for Hemodialysis Vascular Access.en
dc.publisher.placeUnited Statesen
dc.identifier.institution(Viecelli, Johnson, Hawley) Department of Nephrology, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia (Viecelli, Johnson, Hawley) Australasian Kidney Trials Network, School of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (Tong, O'Lone, Ju, Hanson, Sautenet, Craig, Howell) Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (Tong, O'Lone, Ju, Hanson, Sautenet, Craig, Howell) Centre for Kidney Research, The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, Sydney, Australia (Sautenet) University Francois Rabelais, Tours, France (Sautenet) Department of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology, Tours Hospital, Tours, France (Sautenet) INSERM, U1246, Tours, France (Manns) Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, Libin Cardiovascular Institute and O'Brien Institute of Public Health, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Chemla) St George's University NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom (Hooi) Department of Medicine and Haemodialysis Unit, Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (Johnson, Hawley) Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia (Lee) Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Birmingham, AL, United States (Lok) Division of Nephrology, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Lok) Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Polkinghorne) Department of Nephrology, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, Australia (Polkinghorne) Department of Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (Polkinghorne) School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (Quinn) Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada (Vachharajani) Division of Nephrology, W.G. (Bill) Hefner Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Salisbury, NC, United States (Vanholder) Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium (Vanholder) Department of Nephrology, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium (Zuo) Peking University People's Hospital, Beijing, Chinaen
dc.description.addressA.K. Viecelli, Department of Nephrology, Princess Alexandra Hospital, 199 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba, QLD 4102, Australia. E-mail:
dc.rights.statementCopyright 2019 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.en
dc.subect.keywordsClinical research consensus hemodialysis nephrology research outcome outcome measure patient-centered care shared decision making Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology-Hemodialysis (SONG-HD) vascular accessen
dc.identifier.authoremailViecelli A.K.;
dc.description.grantNo: 1098815 Organization: (NHMRC) *National Health and Medical Research Council* Country: Australiaen
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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