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Title: A nurse-led antimicrobial stewardship intervention in two residential aged care facilities.
Authors: Orr E.;Gillespie E.E.;Kotsanas D.;Stuart R.L. 
Institution: (Stuart, Kotsanas) Monash Infectious Diseases, Monash Health, Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia (Stuart, Orr, Gillespie) Infection Prevention and Epidemiology, Monash Health, VIC 3168, Australia (Stuart) Department of Medicine, Monash Unkiversity, Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia
Issue Date: 16-Mar-2015
Copyright year: 2015
Publisher: CSIRO
Place of publication: Australia
Publication information: Healthcare Infection. 20 (1) (pp 4-6), 2015. Article Number: HI14016. Date of Publication: 2015.
Journal: Healthcare Infection
Abstract: The prevention and control of multi-resistant organisms (MRO) in residential aged care facilities (RACF) has significant implications for health services. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics is associated with the development of MRO and therefore antimicrobial stewardship is a key initiative in decreasing development and spread of these organisms. This pilot study aims to assess the role of the infection control clinical nurse consultant in the antimicrobial stewardship team in two RACFs.Copyright Journal compilation © Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control 2015.
ISSN: 1835-5617
Type: Article
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