Conferences : [5705]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 5705
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Oct-2024Sex disparity and the uptake of home dialysis following kidney transplant failure.Lim W.; Gately R.; Teixeira-Pinto A.; Lopez P.; Sabanayagam D.; Mulley W. ; Chan D.; Ooi E.; Wong G.
19-Oct-2024A randomised controlled trial of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) compared with standard of care for the treatment of chronic active antibody mediated rejection (VIPAR).Mulley W. ; Tharmaraj D.; Polkinghorne K.R. ; Tesch G.H.; Dayan S.K.; Kwan E. ; Lee D.; Nikolic-Paterson D.J. ; Kanellis J.
19-Oct-2024Transplant renal artery stenosis: indication and outcomes of intervention.Lee L.; Thwaites S.; Tneoh J.; Yii M.
19-Oct-2024Retransplant potential and repeat transplant outcome in patients with failed allografts attributed to recurrent glomerulonephritis.Gately R.; Wong G.; Teixeira-Pinto A.; Pilmore H.; Mulley W. ; Lim W.
19-Oct-2024Intragraft gene transcript changes with intravenous immunoglobulin therapy versus standard care in chronic antibody mediated rejection- VIPAR study cohort.Tharmaraj D.; Tesch G.; Olshansky M.; Polkinghorne K.R. ; Dayan S.; Kwan E. ; Mark T.; Kanellis J.; Nikolic-Paterson D. ; Mulley W.R.
23-Oct-2024TCT-349 Anatomical versus physiological lesion characteristics in prediction of acute coronary syndrome.Yang S.; Kawasaki T.; Ko B. ; De Bruyne B.; Norgaard B.; Hwang D.; Chun E.J.; Nam C.-W.; Matsuo H.; Kubo T.; Leipsic J.; Shaw L.; Narula J.; Koo B.-K.
23-Oct-2024TCT-776 Sex differences in coronary artery disease patterns.Munhoz D.; Brouwers S.; Ikeda K.; Storozhenko T.; Mizukami T.; Sonck J.; Matsuo H.; Ando H.; Ko B. ; Biscaglia S.; Rivero F.; Engstroem T.; Arslani K.; Leone A.M.; van Nunen L.; Fearon W.; Christiansen E.; Fournier S.; Desta L.; Yong A.; Adjedj J.; Escaned J.; Nakayama M.; Eftekhari A.; Zimmermann F.; Sakai K.; da Costa B.; Campo G.; Berry C.; Collison D.; Johnson T.; Amano T.; Perera D.; Jeremias A.; Ali Z.; Pijls N.; de Bruyne B.; Johnson N.; Collet C.
23-Oct-2024TCT-830 Feasibility and utility of anatomic and physiological evaluation of coronary disease with cardiac ct in severe aortic stenosis (FUTURE-AS registry).Ihdayhid A.R.; Polsani V.; Fairbairn T.; Fitzgibbons T.; Ko B. ; Liu S.; Khoo J.; Coughlan F.; Shetty S.; Chatfield A.; Akodad M.; Raju V.; Kakouros N.; Lewin S.; Sathananthan J.; Webb J.; Wood D.; Leipsic J.; Sellers S.
23-Oct-2024TCT-779 Different vessels, different risks? Sex-specific diagnostic performance of high-risk anatomic, physiologic parameters to predict acute coronary syndrome.Ahn H.J.; Yang S.; Lee K.; Lee K.-S.; Hwang D.; Tzimas G.; Kawasaki T.; Ko B. ; De Bruyne B.; Norgaard B.; Chun E.J.; Nam C.-W.; Matsuo H.; Kubo T.; Leipsic J.; Shaw L.; Narula J.; Koo B.-K.
23-Oct-2024TCT-726 Impact of the pull back pressure gradient (PPG) on PCI planning and decision-making.Munhoz D.; Mizukami T.; Sonck J.; Matsuo H.; Ando H.; Ko B. ; Biscaglia S.; Rivero F.; Engstroem T.; Leone A.M.; van Nunen L.; Fearon W.; Christiansen E.; Fournier S.; Desta L.; Yong A.; Adjedj J.; Escaned J.; Nakayama M.; Eftekhari A.; Zimmermann F.; Bouisset F.; Storozhenko T.; Sakai K.; da Costa B.; Campo G.; Berry C.; Collison D.; Johnson T.; Amano T.; Perera D.; Jeremias A.; Ali Z.; Pijls N.; De Bruyne B.; Johnson N.; Collet C.
23-Oct-2024TCT-722 Coronary artery plaque distribution in functional focal and diffuse disease.Sakai K.; Ali Z.; Mizukami T.; Matsuo H.; Ando H.; Amano T.; Engstroem T.; Sonck J.; Wilgenhof A.; Perera D.; Nakayama M.; Fearon W.; Ko B. ; Escaned J.; Munhoz D.; De Bruyne B.; Johnson N.; Collet C.
23-Oct-2024TCT-724 Impact of the pullback pressure gradient on coronary flow reserve.Frederic B.; Mizukami T.; Munhoz D.; Sonck J.; Ando H.; Ko B. ; Biscaglia S.; Campo G.; Berry C.; Matsuo H.; Rivero F.; Engstroem T.; Leone A.M.; Fearon W.; Fournier S.; Desta L.; Yong A.; Collison D.; Amano T.; Christiansen E.; Perera D.; De Bruyne B.; Johnson N.; Collet C.
23-Oct-2024TCT-723 Validation of the pullback pressure gradient in resting condition.Sakai K.; Sonck J.; Mizukami T.; Matsuo H.; Ko B. ; Perera D.; Ando H.; Biscaglia S.; Rivero F.; Leone A.M.; Desta L.; Escaned J.; Nakayama M.; Munhoz D.; Campo G.; Amano T.; Ali Z.; De Bruyne B.; Johnson N.; Collet C.; Jeremias A.
23-Oct-2024TCT-689 Mechanisms leading to peri-procedural myocardial infarction in patients with focal versus diffuse coronary artery disease.Munhoz D.; Mizukami T.; Sakai K.; Sonck J.; Rivero F.; Stalikas N.; Desta L.; Escaned J.; Engstroem T.; Fournier S.; Zimmermann F.; Matsuo H.; Yong A.; Christiansen E.; Adjedj J.; van Nunen L.; Eftekhari A.; Nakayama M.; Ando H.; Fearon W.; Leone A.M.; da Costa B.; Storozhenko T.; Perera D.; Amano T.; Collison D.; Berry C.; Ali Z.; Johnson T.; Campo G.; Biscaglia S.; Ko B. ; Jeremias A.; Pijls N.; De Bruyne B.; Johnson N.; Collet C.
23-Oct-2024TCT-660 Discordance between resting and hyperemic conditions in focal and diffuse disease.Sakai K.; Johnson N.; Mizukami T.; Sonck J.; Matsuo H.; Ando H.; Ko B. ; Biscaglia S.; Rivero F.; Engstroem T.; Leone A.M.; van Nunen L.; Fearon W.; Christiansen E.; Fournier S.; Desta L.; Yong A.; Adjedj J.; Escaned J.; Nakayama M.; Eftekhari A.; Zimmermann F.; Munhoz D.; Storozhenko T.; Tajima A.; Campo G.; Berry C.; Collison D.; Johnson T.; Amano T.; Perera D.; Ali Z.; Jeremias A.; De Bruyne B.; Collet C.
23-Oct-2024TCT-603 Relationship between epicardial pathophysiological disease patterns and microvascular function.Frederic B.; Mizukami T.; Munhoz D.; Sonck J.; Ando H.; Ko B. ; Biscaglia S.; Campo G.; Berry C.; Matsuo H.; Rivero F.; Engstroem T.; Leone A.M.; Fearon W.; Fournier S.; Desta L.; Yong A.; Collison D.; Amano T.; Christiansen E.; Perera D.; De Bruyne B.; Johnson N.; Collet C.
23-Oct-2024TCT-652 Feasibility and utility of anatomical and physiological evaluation of coronary disease with cardiac CT in severe aortic stenosis (FUTURE-AS registry).Ihdayhid A.R.; Polsani V.; Fairbairn T.; Fitzgibbons T.; Ko B. ; Liu S.; Khoo J.; Coughlan F.; Shetty S.; Chatfield A.; Akodad M.; Raju V.; Kakouros N.; Lewin S.; Sathananthan J.; Webb J.; Wood D.; Leipsic J.; Sellers S.
23-Oct-2024TCT-514 Distribution of vessel-specific myocardial mass in patients with stable coronary artery disease.Stalikas N.; Mizukami T.; Bouisset F.; Ikeda K.; Tajima A.; Munhoz D.; Sakai K.; Sonck J.; Wilgenhof A.; Andreini D.; Engstroem T.; Leipsic J.; Stefanini G.; Bartorelli A.; Fairbairn T.; Bagnall A.; Ko B. ; Johnson N.; Berry C.; Perera D.; Christiansen E.; Otake H.; Koo B.-K.; Barbato E.; Brugaletta S.; Ge J.; Campo G.; Collison D.; Gori T.; Norgaard B.; van Nunen L.; Van Belle E.; He Y.; Witkowski A.; De Bruyne B.; Collet C.
23-Oct-2024TCT-572 Coronary CT angiography for left main diameter assessment.Frederic B.; Ohashi H.; Mizukami T.; Norgaard B.; Zivelonghi C.; Ko B. ; Stottrup N.; Otake H.; Sonck J.; Collet C.
23-Oct-2024TCT-468 No-implant interatrial shunt for heart failure with preserved and mildly reduced ejection fraction: 12-month outcomes from multicenter pilot feasibility studies.Potter B.; Udelson J.; Barker C.; Wilkins B.; Gooley R. ; Meduri C.; Fail P.; Feldt K.; Kriegel J.; Shaburishvili T.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 5705

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