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Conference/Presentation Title: TCT-689 Mechanisms leading to peri-procedural myocardial infarction in patients with focal versus diffuse coronary artery disease.
Authors: Munhoz D.;Mizukami T.;Sakai K.;Sonck J.;Rivero F.;Stalikas N.;Desta L.;Escaned J.;Engstroem T.;Fournier S.;Zimmermann F.;Matsuo H.;Yong A.;Christiansen E.;Adjedj J.;van Nunen L.;Eftekhari A.;Nakayama M.;Ando H.;Fearon W.;Leone A.M.;da Costa B.;Storozhenko T.;Perera D.;Amano T.;Collison D.;Berry C.;Ali Z.;Johnson T.;Campo G.;Biscaglia S.;Ko B. ;Jeremias A.;Pijls N.;De Bruyne B.;Johnson N.;Collet C.
Monash Health Department(s): Cardiology (MonashHeart)
Institution: (Munhoz) OLVZ, Aalst, Belgium, Belgium
(Mizukami) Showa University School of Medicine, Aalst, Belgium, Belgium
(Sakai) Department of Cardiology, St Francis Hospital and Heart Center, Roslyn, New York, United States
(Sonck, Storozhenko, Collet) Cardiovascular Center OLV Aalst, Aalst, Belgium, Belgium
(Rivero) Hospital Universitario De La Princesa, Madrid, Spain, Spain
(Stalikas) Aalst Cardiovascular Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece, Greece
(Desta) Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Sweden, Sweden
(Escaned) Hospital ClAnico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain, Spain
(Engstroem) The Heart Centre, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, Denmark
(Fournier) Department of Cardiology, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland, Switzerland
(Zimmermann) Catharina Hospital Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Netherlands
(Matsuo) Gifu Heart Center, Gifu, Japan, Japan
(Yong) Concord Hospital, Concord, New South Wales, Australia, Australia
(Christiansen) Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Aarhus, Denmark, Denmark
(Adjedj) Institut Arnaud Tzanck, St Laurent du Var, France, France
(van Nunen) Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands, Netherlands
(Eftekhari) Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark, Denmark
(Nakayama) Tokyo D Tower Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, Japan
(Ando) Aichi Medical University, Japan
(Fearon) Stanford Healthcare, Stanford, CA, United States
(Leone) Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Roma, Italy
(da Costa) University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
(Perera) St. Thomas' Hospital, London, United Kingdom
(Amano) Aichi Medical University, Nagakute, Japan
(Collison, Berry) Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Glasgow, United Kingdom
(Ali) St Francis Hospital and Heart Center, Roslyn, NY, United States
(Johnson) Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol, United Kingdom
(Campo) Cardiology Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
(Biscaglia) AOU Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
(Ko) Victorian Heart Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(Jeremias) St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center, Roslyn, NY, United States
(Pijls) Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, Netherlands
(De Bruyne) Cardiovascular Center Aalst, Aalst, Belgium
(Johnson) Memorial Hermann Hospital, Houston, TX, United States
Presentation/Conference Date: 23-Oct-2024
Copyright year: 2024
Publisher: Elsevier Inc.
Publication information: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Conference: Thirty-Sixth Annual Symposium Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT). Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington United States. 84(18 Supplement) (pp B268), 2024. Date of Publication: 29 Oct 2024.
Journal: Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Abstract: Background: Periprocedural myocardial infarctions (PMI) are characterized by an elevation in cardiac biomarkers following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Understanding the mechanisms underlying PMI is of clinical significance. The primary objective was to investigate the mechanism leading to PMI in patients with focal vs diffuse coronary artery disease (CAD). Method(s): This prospective study enrolled patients with at least 1 epicardial lesion with a fractional flow reserve (FFR) <= 0.80 planned to be treated by PCI. Each patient underwent manual FFR pullbacks with pullback pressure gradient (PPG). The median PPG value (0.62) was used to divide patients into predominantly focal or diffuse disease. Troponin was measured after PCI, and patients exhibiting an elevation exceeding 5 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) were subject to evaluation by an independent clinical events committee (CEC). Patients with troponin elevation >70 times xULN were adjudicated as PMI. Result(s): Overall, 855 patients were included in this analysis, with 34.5% (295 patients) exhibiting a troponin elevation exceeding 5 times the ULN. Among these cases, 66 (7.7%) were adjudicated as PMI. The prevalence of secondary criteria for PMI was as follows: electrocardiogram changes in 7.6% (5/66), new loss of viable myocardium at 0%, side branch occlusion at 18.2% (12/66), and large troponin elevation at 84.8% (56/66). Diffuse disease (PPG <0.62) was significantly associated with PMI (OR: 1.71; 95% CI: 1.03-2.88; P = 0.038). Side branch occlusion after PCI was observed in 0.7% in focal vs 2.5% in diffuse disease (P = 0.04), and large troponin elevation occurred in 4.8% in focal disease vs 8.5% in diffuse disease (P = 0.03). Additionally, PPG was significantly associated with the incidence of side branch occlusion (OR: 1.71; 95% CI: 1.03-2.88; P = 0.038) and large troponin elevation after PCI (OR: 1.83; 95% CI: 1.06-3.22; P = 0.038). Conclusion(s): The presence of diffuse atherosclerosis, as defined by PPG, was linked to an increased risk of PMI. The mechanisms leading to PMI differed between patients with focal and diffuse disease. Patients with diffuse disease demonstrated a higher incidence of branch occlusion and large troponin elevation following PCI compared with those with focal CAD. Categories: IMAGING AND PHYSIOLOGY: Physiologic Lesion Assessment.Copyright © 2024
Conference Name: Thirty-Sixth Annual Symposium Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT)
Conference Start Date: 2024-10-27
Conference End Date: 2024-10-30
Conference Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, United States
Type: Conference Abstract
Subjects: cardiac muscle
coronary artery disease
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