: [5691]
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Conference papers, abstracts, posters, or presentations.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 5691
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 5691
Journal Title
- 112 Heart Lung and Circulation
- 88 Blood
- 76 Annals of Oncology
- 71 Journal of Clinical Oncology
- 66 International Journal of Stroke
- 51 Journal of Gastroenterology and H...
- 40 Australian and New Zealand Journa...
- 40 Journal of the American Society o...
- 38 Respirology
- 36 Internal Medicine Journal
- 34 Australasian Journal of Dermatology
- 33 Journal of Paediatrics and Child ...
- 30 Twin Research and Human Genetics
- 28 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
- 28 European Heart Journal
- 28 Journal of Medical Imaging and Ra...
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- 259 Nephrology
- 169 Rheumatology
- 164 Monash University - School of Cli...
- 160 Cardiology (MonashHeart)
- 151 Haematology
- 150 Oncology
- 91 Pathology
- 89 Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- 89 Urology
- 58 Neurology
- 51 Radiology
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Date issued
- 2081 2020 - 2025
- 3591 2010 - 2019
- 15 2009 - 2009
- 218 cancer patient
- 167 surgery
- 138 drug safety
- 129 cancer survival
- 110 cerebrovascular accident
- 107 endogenous compound
- 99 coronavirus disease 2019
- 96 histopathology
- 91 Australia
- 89 pharmacokinetics
- 79 hypertension
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Clinical Study or Trial
- 731 Observational study (cohort, case...
- 731 Observational study (cohort, case...
- 395 Observational study (cohort, case...
- 395 Observational study (cohort, case...
- 275 Case series or case report
- 275 Case series or case report
- 272 Randomised controlled trial
- 272 Randomised controlled trial
- 223 Clinical trial
- 223 Clinical trial
- 185 Systematic review and/or meta-ana...
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