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Title: Intractable feeding intolerance in children with severe neurological impairment: a retrospective case review of nine children known to a pediatric palliative care service.
Authors: Katz N.T.;Cooper M.S.;Kularatne A.;Prebble A.;McGrath K.H.;McCallum Z.;Antolovich G.;Sutherland I.;Sacks B.H.
Monash Health Department(s): Paediatric - Gastroenterology
Institution: (Katz, Kularatne, Sacks) Victorian Paediatric Palliative Care Program, Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville, VIC, Australia
(Katz, Cooper, McGrath, McCallum, Antolovich) Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(Katz) Clinical Paediatrics Group, Murdoch Children's Research Group, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(Cooper, McCallum, Antolovich, Sutherland) The Department of Neurodevelopment and Disability, The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia
(Cooper, Antolovich) Clinical Sciences, Neurodevelopment and Rehabilitation, Murdoch Children's Research Group, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(Prebble) Department of Paediatrics, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(Prebble) Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Monash Children's Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(McGrath, McCallum) Department of Gastroenterology and Clinical Nutrition, The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Issue Date: 26-Dec-2023
Copyright year: 2024
Place of publication: United States
Publication information: The American journal of hospice & palliative care. 41(1) (pp 16-25), 2024. Date of Publication: 01 Jan 2024.
Journal: The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Intractable feeding intolerance in children with severe neurological impairment (SNI) is poorly defined and understood. OBJECTIVE(S): (1) To describe 9 children with SNI, where intractable feeding intolerance was thought to be a contributor to their deterioration or death. (2) To consider terminology to describe the severe end of the spectrum of feeding difficulties in children with SNI. RESULT(S): Mean age at death was 10.3 years (range: 5 - 15.6), and median time from palliative care referral to death was 3.1 months. Location of death was home (n = 3), hospice (n = 1), and hospital (n = 5) with 1 death in intensive care. Gastrointestinal "failure" or "dysfunction" were documented for 7 children, (median time between documentation and death was 3.9 months (range: .1 to 13.1)). All children were fed via a gastrostomy tube during their life (median age of insertion 2.5 years (range: 1.2 to 6.8 years)), and 7 via the jejunal route (median age of insertion 9.2 years (range 2.4 to 14.7 years)). Children lived a median of 9 percent of their lives after jejunal tube feeding was commenced. No child had home-based parenteral nutrition. Multiple symptom management medications were required. CONCLUSION(S): 'Intractable feeding intolerance' describes a clinical crossroads in a child's life where there is an opportunity to consider the appropriateness of further interventions. Further work should explore predictors of intractable feeding intolerance and the delicate balance between cause or contributor to death. The importance of clinician-family prognostic conversations and goal-concordant care both during life and in the terminal phase is highlighted.
PubMed URL: 37029909 []
Type: Article
Subjects: enteric feeding
palliative nursing
palliative therapy
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Observational study (cohort, case-control, cross sectional, or survey)
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