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Conference/Presentation Title: Development of a comprehensive patient management platform for inpatient stroke care, including generation of Australian stroke clinical registry data reports.
Authors: Stewart D.;McTaggart M.;Arthurson L.;Choi P.;Bladin C.
Monash Health Department(s): Monash University - School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health
Institution: (Stewart, McTaggart, Choi, Bladin) Ambulance Victoria, Essendon Fields, VIC, Australia
(Arthurson) Echuca Regional Health, Echuca, Australia
(Choi) Eastern Health Clinical School, Monash University, Box Hill, Australia
(Bladin) Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Monash University, Australia
Presentation/Conference Date: 13-Nov-2024
Copyright year: 2024
Publication information: Cerebrovascular Diseases. Conference: Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024 Combined Australian and New Zealand Stroke Organisation Transcending Borders. Adelaide, SA Australia. 53(Supplement 1) (pp 156), 2024. Date of Publication: 2024.
Journal: Cerebrovascular Diseases
Abstract: Background/Aims: Patient specific stroke management documentation is essential for seamless care, to guide treatment, and for safe and comprehensive discharge planning. To ensure consistency with information across the care continuum a comprehensive end-to-end documentation platform was developed by the Victorian Telemedicine Inpatient Service (VTIS), an extension of the successful BUILDS Telestroke pilot study at Echuca Regional Health. Method(s): The VTIS platform was developed using the PDSA: Plan, Do, Study, Act framework. Consultation with stroke clinicians, coordinators and survivors highlighted the importance of diagnostic certainty, a management plan addressing stroke risk factors, details of follow up care, further investigations, and medication recommendations. The VTIS platform delivers comprehensive management plans at the hyperacute, stroke unit and discharge stages of care. Direct linkage to data from the Victorian Stroke Telemedicine (VST) hyperacute stroke service was embedded and variables aligned with Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR) datasets. Information collected can be used to generate patient documentation and exported to contribute directly to AuSCR, improving efficiencies with documentation and reducing data collection burden. Result(s): The initial BUILDS project highlighted the need for expert in-patient stroke care with 1 in 4 patients having the initial diagnosis revised. The VTIS platform, implemented in May 2024, follows the patient through the entire stroke unit journey. Evaluation data will be presented including number of cases, data completion, time saving efficiencies and discharge information performance. Conclusion(s): VTIS has enabled the development of the most comprehensive stroke documentation platform within Australia, improving efficiency, stroke documentation and oversight of the patient journey.
Conference Name: Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2024 Combined Australian and New Zealand Stroke Organisation Transcending Borders
Conference Start Date: 2024-09-25
Conference End Date: 2023-09-01
Conference Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia
Type: Conference Abstract
Subjects: cerebrovascular accident
stroke unit
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