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Title: A core outcome set for pre-eclampsia research: an international consensus development study.
Authors: Ghosh S.K.;Daly M.C.;Darmochwal-Kolarz D.A.;Davies R.E.;Davies M.W.;Dawson J.S.;Dobson N.;Dodd C.N.;Donald F.;Duley L.;Epstein-Mares J.;Erez O.;Evans E.;Farlie R.N.;Ferris A.V.;Frankland E.M.;Freeman D.J.;Gainder S.;Ganzevoort W.;Hamilton L.M.;Hammond S.J.;Harlow S.D.;Hays K.E.;Hickey S.C.;Higgins M.;Hinton L.;Hobson S.R.;Hogg M.J.;Hollands H.J.;EH C.S.E.;Hoodbhoy Z.;Howell P.;Huppertz B.;Husain S.;Jacoby S.D.;Jacqz-Aigrain E.;Jenkins G.;Jewel D.;Johnson M.J.;Johnston C.L.;Jones P.M.;Kantrowitz-Gordon I.;Khan R.-U.;Kirby L.J.;Kirk C.;Knight M.;Korey M.T.;Lee G.J.;Lee V.W.;Levene L.S.;Londero A.P.;Lust K.M.;MacKenzie V.;Malha L.;Mattone M.;McCartney D.E.;McFadden A.;McKinstry B.H.;Middleton P.F.;Mistry H.D.;Mitchell C.A.;Mockler J.C.;Molsher S.-A.;Monast E.S.;Moodley E.J.;Mooij R.;Moore E.L.;Morgan L.;Moulson A.;Mughal F.;Mundle S.R.;Munoz M.A.;Murray E.;Nagata C.;Nair A.S.;Nakimuli A.;Nath G.;Newport R.S.;Oakeshott P.;Ochoa-Ferraro M.R.;Odendaal H.;Ohkuchi A.;Oliveira L.;Ortiz-Panozo E.;Oudijk M.A.;Oygucu S.E.;Paech M.J.;Painter R.C.;Parry C.L.;Payne B.A.;Pearson E.L.;Phupong V.;Pickett N.;Pickles K.A.;Plumb L.K.;Prefumo F.;Preston R.;Ray J.G.;Rayment J.;Regan L.V.;Rey E.;Robson E.J.;Rubin A.N.;Rubio-Romero A.N.;Rull K.;Sass N.;Sauve N.;Savory N.A.;Scott J.R.;Seaton S.E.;Seed P.T.;Shakespeare J.M.;Shand A.W.;Sharma S.;Shaw T.Y.;Smedley K.L.;Smith D.;Conk A.S.;Soward D.;Stepan H.;Stroumpoulis K.;SurenDr A.;Takeda S.;Tan L.;Theriot B.S.;Thomas H.F.;Thompson K.;Thompson P.I.;Thompson M.J.;Toms L.;Torney K.L.H.T.;Treadwell J.S.;Tucker K.L.;Turrentine M.A.;Van Hecke O.;Van Oostwaard M.F.;Vasquez D.N.;AV D.J.A.;VInturache A.;Walker J.;Wardle S.P.;Wasim T.;Waters J.H.;Whitehead C.L.;Wolfson A.;Yeo S.;Duffy J.M.N.;Cairns A.E.;Richards-Doran D.;van 't Hooft J.;Gale C.;Brown M.;Chappell L.C.;Grobman W.A.;Fitzpatrick R.;Karumanchi S.A.;Khalil A.;Lucas D.N.;Magee L.A.;Mol B.W. ;Stark M.;Thangaratinam S.;Wilson M.J.;von Dadelszen P.;Williamson P.R.;Ziebland S.;McManus R.J.;Abalos E.J.;DA C.C.D.;AkaDr A.A.;Akturk Z.;Allegaert K.;Angel-Muller E.;Antretter J.;Ashdown H.F.;Audibert F.;Auger N.;Aygun C.;Babic I.;Bagga R.;Baker J.M.;Bhakta P.;Bhandari V.;Bhattacharya S.;Blanker M.H.;Bloomfield F.H.;Bof A.;Brennan S.M.;Broekhuijsen K.;Pipkin E.F.B.;Browne J.L.;Browning R.M.;Bull J.W.;Butt A.;Button D.;Campbell J.P.;Campbell D.M.;Carbillon L.;Carthy S.;Casely E.;Cave J.A.;Cecatti J.G.;Chamillard M.E.;Chassard D.;Checheir N.C.;Chulkov V.S.;Cluver C.A.;Crawford C.F.;Gbinigie O.A.;Glogowska M.;Goodlife A.;Gough K.L.;Green J.R.;Gul F.;Haggerty L.;Hall D.R.;Hallman M.
Institution: (Duffy) Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (Duffy, Cairns, Richards-Doran, Ziebland, McManus) Institute for Women's Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom (van 't Hooft) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Amsterdam UMC, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Gale) Academic Neonatal Medicine, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (Brown) Department of Renal Medicine, St George Hospital and University of New South Wales, Kogarah, NSW, Australia (Chappell, Magee, von Dadelszen) Department of Women and Children's Health, School of Life Course Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom (Grobman) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States (Fitzpatrick) Health Services Research Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (Karumanchi) Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States (Khalil) Vascular Biology Research Centre, Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute, St George's University of London, London, United Kingdom (Lucas) London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, Harrow, United Kingdom (Mol) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia (Stark) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia (Thangaratinam) Women's Health Research Unit, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom (Wilson) School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom (Williamson) MRC North West Hub for Trials Methodology Research, Department of Biostatistics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom (Abalos, Chamillard) Centro Rosarino de Estudios Perinatales, Argentina (DA) Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom (AkaDr) Babcock University, Nigeria (Akturk) Ailem Academic Counselling, Turkey (Allegaert) KU Leuven, Belgium (Angel-Muller, Rubio-Romero) Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia (Antretter) Northwell Health, United States (Ashdown, Crawford, Glogowska, Hinton, Knight, Treadwell, Tucker, Van Hecke) University of Oxford, United Kingdom (Audibert) Universite de Montreal, Canada (Auger) University of Montreal Hospital Centre, Canada (Aygun) Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey (Babic) Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Saudi Arabia (Bagga) Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India (Baker) South Africa (Bhakta) University Hospital Limerick, Ireland (Bhandari) Drexel University, United States (Bhattacharya, Campbell) University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom (Blanker) University of Groningen, Netherlands (Bloomfield) University of Auckland, New Zealand (Bof, Soward, Thompson) Australia (Brennan) Ireland (Broekhuijsen) Haaglanden Medisch Centrum, Netherlands (Pipkin) Nottingham University Medical School, United Kingdom (Browne) Utrecht University, Netherlands (Browning) King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women, Australia (Bull, Button, Epstein-Mares, Korey, Monast, Conk, Theriot) United States (Butt) Saudi Arabia (Campbell) Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, United Kingdom (Carbillon) Jean-Verdier Hospital, France (Carthy, Casely, Davies, Dobson, Ferris, Frankland, Gbinigie, Green, Jewel, Jones, Kirby, Kirk, McCartney, Moore, Moulson, Parry, Pearson, Pickett, Pickles, Plumb, Rayment, Regan, Robson, Rubin, Shakespeare, Smedley, Toms, Torney) United Kingdom (Cave) Downland Practice, United Kingdom (Cecatti) University of Campinas, Brazil (Chassard) Universite Lyon, France (Checheir) University of North Carolina School of Medicine, United States (Chulkov) South Ural State Medical University, Russian Federation (Cluver, Hall, Odendaal) Stellenbosch University, South Africa (Daly) Irish Neonatal Health Alliance, Ireland (Darmochwal-Kolarz) University of Rzeszow, Poland (Davies, Lust) Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Australia (Dawson, Wardle) Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom (Dodd, Goodlife) University Hospitals of Leicester, United Kingdom (Donald) North Bristol NHS Trust, United Kingdom (Duley, Mistry, Morgan) University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (Erez) Soroka University Medical Centre Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel (Evans, Hammond, Johnston) St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom (Farlie) Hospitalsenhed Midt, Denmark (Freeman) University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (Gainder) Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, India (Ganzevoort, Oudijk) Amsterdam Universitair Medische Centra, Netherlands (Ghosh) All India Institute of Medical Sciences Patna, India (Gough) Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, United Kingdom (Gul) Khyber Medical University Institution of Medical Sciences, Pakistan (Haggerty) Midwife Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom (Hallman) University of Oulu, Finland (Hamilton, Hickey) New Zealand (Harlow) University of Michigan, United States (Hays) Bastyr University, United States (Higgins) Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, Ireland (Hobson, Ray, Whitehead) University of Toronto, Canada (Hogg, Howell, Khan) Barts Health NHS Trust, United Kingdom (Hollands) University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, United Kingdom (EH) Burnet Institute, Australia (Hoodbhoy) Aga Khan University, Pakistan (Huppertz) Medical University of Graz, Austria (Husain) Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom (Jacoby) Mount Royal University, Canada (Jacqz-Aigrain) Universite de Paris, France (Jenkins) Royal Surrey County Hospital, United Kingdom (Johnson) University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom (Kantrowitz-Gordon) University of Washington School of Nursing, United States (Lee) Evelina London Children's Hospital Neonatal Unit, United Kingdom (Lee, Shand) University of Sydney, Australia (Levene, Seaton) University of Leicester, United Kingdom (Londero) Academic Hospital of Udine, Italy (MacKenzie) NHS Borders, United Kingdom (Malha) Weill Cornell Medical College, United States (Mattone) Italy (McFadden) University of Dundee, United Kingdom (McKinstry) University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Middleton) South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Australia (Mitchell) University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (Mockler) Monash University and Monash Health, Australia (Molsher) United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom (Moodley) University of Kwa Zulu-Natal, South Africa (Mooij) Beatrix Hospital, Netherlands (Mughal) Keele University, United Kingdom (Mundle) Government Medical College, Nagpur, India (Munoz) Institut Catala de la Salut. IdiapJgol, Spain (Murray) University College London, United Kingdom (Nagata) National Centre for Child Health and Development, Japan (Nair) Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital and Research Institute, India (Nakimuli) Uganda (Nath) Axon Anaesthesia Associates, India (Newport) Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom (Oakeshott) St George's, University of London, United Kingdom (Ochoa-Ferraro) Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, United Kingdom (Ohkuchi) Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Japan (Oliveira) Sao Paulo State University, Brazil (Ortiz-Panozo) National Institute of Public Health, Mexico (Oygucu) University of Kyrenia, Turkey (Paech) King Edward Memorial Hospital, Australia (Painter) Amsterdam University Centres, Netherlands (Payne, Preston) University of British Columbia, Canada (Phupong) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (Prefumo) University of Brescia, Italy (Rey) University of Montreal, Canada (Rull) Women's Clinic of Tartu University Hospital, Estonia (Sass) Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil (Sauve) Universite de Sherbrooke, Canada (Savory) University Hospital of Wales, United Kingdom (Scott) University of Iowa, United States (Seed) King's College London, United Kingdom (Sharma) Westmead Hospital, Australia (Shaw) Canada (Smith) Princess Royal Maternity, United Kingdom (Stepan) Leipzig University, Germany (Stroumpoulis) Centre Hospitalier Public du Cotentin, France (SurenDr) Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust, United Kingdom (Takeda) Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine, Japan (Tan) Western Sydney University, Australia (Thomas) Netherlands (Thompson) National Institute of Health Research, United Kingdom (Thompson) University of Washington, United States (Turrentine) Baylor College of Medicine, United States (Van Oostwaard) Capelle aan den Ijssel, Netherlands (Vasquez) Sanatorio Anchorena, Argentina (AV) London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, United Kingdom (VInturache) Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom (Walker) University of Leeds, United Kingdom (Wasim) Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan (Waters) UPMC Magee Womens Hospital, United States (Wolfson) Penn Medicine Princeton Health, United States (Yeo) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA and Dr Arnold G. Zermansky, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Issue Date: 19-Apr-2021
Copyright year: 2020
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Place of publication: United Kingdom
Publication information: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 127 (12) (pp 1516-1526), 2020. Date of Publication: 01 Nov 2020.
Journal: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Abstract: Objective: To develop a core outcome set for pre-eclampsia. Design(s): Consensus development study. Setting(s): International. Population: Two hundred and eight-one healthcare professionals, 41 researchers and 110 patients, representing 56 countries, participated. Method(s): Modified Delphi method and Modified Nominal Group Technique. Result(s): A long-list of 116 potential core outcomes was developed by combining the outcomes reported in 79 pre-eclampsia trials with those derived from thematic analysis of 30 in-depth interviews of women with lived experience of pre-eclampsia. Forty-seven consensus outcomes were identified from the Delphi process following which 14 maternal and eight offspring core outcomes were agreed at the consensus development meeting. Maternal core outcomes: death, eclampsia, stroke, cortical blindness, retinal detachment, pulmonary oedema, acute kidney injury, liver haematoma or rupture, abruption, postpartum haemorrhage, raised liver enzymes, low platelets, admission to intensive care required, and intubation and ventilation. Offspring core outcomes: stillbirth, gestational age at delivery, birthweight, small-for-gestational-age, neonatal mortality, seizures, admission to neonatal unit required and respiratory support. Conclusion(s): The core outcome set for pre-eclampsia should underpin future randomised trials and systematic reviews. Such implementation should ensure that future research holds the necessary reach and relevance to inform clinical practice, enhance women's care and improve the outcomes of pregnant women and their babies. Tweetable abstract: 281 healthcare professionals, 41 researchers and 110 women have developed #preeclampsia core outcomes @HOPEoutcomes @jamesmnduffy. [Correction added on 29 June 2020, after first online publication: the order has been corrected.].Copyright © 2020 The Authors. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
PubMed URL: 32416644 []
ISSN: 1470-0328
Type: Article
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Qualitative study
Appears in Collections:Articles

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