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Conference/Presentation Title: Development of small cell lung cancer primary xenografts using specimens obtained by endobronchial-ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration: A novel pre-clinical model.
Authors: Steinfort D.;Irving L.;Watkins D.N.;Szczepny A.;Jayasekara S.;Farmer M.;Strezlecki A.;Leong T.;Kumar B. ;Russell P.A.
Institution: (Leong, Strezlecki, Jayasekara, Watkins, Szczepny) Monash Institute of Medical Research, Australia (Steinfort, Irving) Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia (Kumar, Farmer) Monash Health, Australia (Russell) St Vincent's Hospital, Australia
Presentation/Conference Date: 7-Apr-2014
Copyright year: 2013
Publisher: International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
Publication information: Journal of Thoracic Oncology. Conference: 15th World Conference on Lung Cancer. Sydney, NSW Australia. Conference Publication: (var.pagings). 8 (SUPPL. 2) (pp S462), 2013. Date of Publication: November 2013.
Abstract: Background: Lung cancer has the highest cancer incidence and mortality worldwide. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for 15% of all cases. Platinum-based chemotherapy induces responses in up to 70%. However, treatment-resistant recurrence is near universal, and 5-year survival remains poor at 1-2%. Therefore, there is urgent need for pre-clinical models that accurately recapitulate the parent tumour and allow testing for predictive biomarkers of response and resistance to drugs, and also screening of novel anticancer agents. Furthermore, as the vast majority of SCLC are inoperable, it is crucial that the mode of tumour tissue acquisition be minimally invasive and repeatable in cases of recurrence. Here we describe a novel pre-clinical model using samples obtained by the minimally invasive technique of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) to develop primary xenografts of SCLC. Method(s): Cell suspensions from samples of SCLC obtained by EBUS-TBNA were implanted directly into the flanks of NSG (Non- Obese Diabetic, Severe Combined Immune Deficient, IL2Rgamma knockout) mice to generate primary xenografts. The mice were monitored for tumour growth, and if engraftment was successful, pre-graft and post-graft tumours were compared in terms of morphology, immunohistochemistry and molecular characteristics. Result(s): Thus far, 14 SCLC specimens have been implanted, with 7 cases completing 6 months of tumour monitoring. Of these, 6 have undergone successful engraftment (86%). Samples typically contained over 1 million tumour cells with minimal stromal contamination. Mean engraftment lag time was 96 days. In all cases of engraftment, histological and molecular fidelity to the original tumour was demonstrated. Conclusion(s): This is the first report of the generation of a primary xenograft model of lung cancer using a new method of tissue acquisition by EBUS-TBNA. Furthermore, it is the largest reported group of primary xenografts of SCLC. The primary xenograft lines from these specimens may provide the much-needed basis for more accurate pre-clinical modeling of SCLC, and hold great translational promise for novel therapeutic agents.
Conference Start Date: 2013-10-27
Conference End Date: 2013-10-30
ISSN: 1556-0864
Type: Conference Abstract
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