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Conference/Presentation Title: Responses of the Public to Acute Stroke Scenarios: Do they know what to do?.
Authors: Braitberg G.;Hood K.;Mosley I.;Bray J.;Nicholas C.
Institution: (Hood, Mosley, Bray, Nicholas, Braitberg) Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Bray) Ambulance Victoria, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Nicholas, Braitberg) Southern Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Presentation/Conference Date: 22-Nov-2011
Copyright year: 2011
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Publication information: International Journal of Stroke. Conference: 22nd Stroke Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting. Adelaide, SA Australia. Conference Publication: (var.pagings). 6 (SUPPL. 1) (pp 40), 2011. Date of Publication: September 2011.
Abstract: Introduction: Recognising stroke symptoms when they occur is a vital first step in acute stroke care. However recognition without appropriate action does little to reduce delays to treatment for stroke patients. We sought to evaluate responses of the public to stroke symptoms prior to and following Stroke Week, 2010. Method(s): The Stroke Action Test (STAT) a validated instrument with 21 stroke scenarios was used during face to face interviews. Participants were recruited from members of the public attending an out-patient clinic at Dandenong Hospital, Melbourne in September and November 2010. Result(s): In total 179 participants were interviewed 89 prior and 90 following 'Stroke Week'. The median correct score for the 21 stroke scenarios across all participants was 8 (IQ range 5-12). Overall, participants chose to call an ambulance for 41% of stroke scenarios, call a doctor 32%, wait an hour 22% with 5% waiting a day. No difference was identified between the Pre and Post 'Stroke Week' groups. Conclusion(s): Improving stroke symptom awareness is important. However further initiatives may be required to facilitate the link between public awareness of stroke symptoms and knowing what to do if it occurs: Call an Ambulance.
Conference Start Date: 2011-09-14
Conference End Date: 2011-09-16
ISSN: 1747-4930
Type: Conference Abstract
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Qualitative study
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