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Title: Red flags in scleroderma.
Authors: Li Q.;Sahhar J. ;Littlejohn G.
Institution: (Li, Littlejohn) Rheumatology Department, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Sahhar) Monash Scleroderma Clinic, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Issue Date: 14-Jan-2009
Copyright year: 2008
Publisher: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (1 Palmerston Crescent, South Melbourne VIC 3205, Australia)
Place of publication: Australia
Publication information: Australian Family Physician. 37 (10) (pp 831-834), 2008. Date of Publication: October 2008.
Abstract: Background: Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) is an uncommon connective tissue disease characterised by vascular, inflammatory and fibrotic dysfunction of multiple organ systems. Systemic sclerosis is often recognised late in the course of the disease. Objective(s): This article outlines the clinical features of systemic sclerosis, in particular 'red flags' that indicate the presence of significant organ disease. Discussion(s): Common clinical features include Raynaud phenomenon and skin thickening, often with calcinosis and telangiectasia. These features should alert the physician to look for red flag features. In the general practice setting, early recognition of scleroderma will enable timely referral to specialist centres for regular screening and effective management of its many serious visceral complications.
PubMed URL: 19002303 []
ISSN: 0300-8495
Type: Article
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