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Title: A change of heart: The new infective endocarditis prophylaxis guidelines.
Authors: Street A.C.;Strathmore N.F.;Goss A.N.;Daly C.G.;Currie B.J.;Jeyasingham M.S.;Moulds R.F.W.;Smith J.A. 
Institution: (Daly) Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia (Currie) Menzies School of Health Research, Royal Darwin Hospital, Casuarina, North. Territ., Australia (Jeyasingham) Therapeutic Guidelines Limited, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Moulds) Fiji School of Medicine, Suva, Fiji (Smith) Monash University, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, VIC, Australia (Strathmore) University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital, VIC, Australia (Street) Victorian Infectious Diseases Services, Royal Melbourne Hospital, VIC, Australia (Goss) University of Adelaide, SA, Australia (Daly, Currie, Jeyasingham, Moulds, Smith, Strathmore, Street, Goss) Infective Endocarditis Prophylaxis Expert Group, Therapeutic Guidelines Limited (Goss) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Issue Date: 12-Nov-2008
Copyright year: 2008
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing (550 Swanston Street, Carlton South VIC 3053, Australia)
Place of publication: Australia
Publication information: Australian Dental Journal. 53 (3) (pp 196-200), 2008. Date of Publication: September 2008.
Abstract: New Australian guidelines for the prevention of infective endocarditis were published in July 2008. The guidelines were revised by a multidisciplinary group to reflect recent changes in international recommendations regarding antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis. The reasons for the changes are explored in this review and the implications for dental practice are discussed. © 2008 Australian Dental Association.
PubMed URL: 18782362 []
ISSN: 0045-0421
Type: Article
Appears in Collections:Articles

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