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Title: Extramedullary relapse of multiple myeloma associated with a shift in secretion from intact immunoglobulin to light chains.
Authors: Patil S.;Spencer A.;Dawson M.A.
Institution: (Dawson, Spencer) Department of Haematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation, Alfred Hospital, Commercial Road, Melbourne, Vic. 3181, Australia (Patil, Spencer) Department of Clinical Haematology, Monash Hospital, Clayton Road, Melbourne, Vic. 3168, Australia (Dawson) The Alfred, Commercial Road, Melbourne, Vic. 3181, Australia
Issue Date: 16-Oct-2012
Copyright year: 2007
Publisher: Ferrata Storti Foundation (Via G. Belli 4, Pavia 27100, Italy)
Place of publication: Italy
Publication information: Haematologica. 92 (1) (pp 143-144), 2007. Date of Publication: January 2007.
Abstract: Biological therapies in multiple myeloma have heralded a new and exciting era for treatment to combat this disease. However the evolutionary pressures that these drugs place on the microenvironment has resulted in a change in the biological behaviour of this malignancy and novel manifestations of relapsed disease. This is illustrated in our series of three patients showing fulminant relapse of disease with plasmablastic features, an extramedullary predilection and a shift in secretion from intact immunoglobulin to free light chains only.
PubMed URL: 17229655 []
ISSN: 0390-6078
Type: Article
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Case series or case report
Appears in Collections:Articles

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