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Title: Advances in the treatment of endometrial cancer.
Authors: Oehler M.K.;Fung A.;Jobling T.W. 
Institution: (Oehler, Fung, Jobling) Dept. of Gynaecological Oncology, Monash Medical Centre, Moorabbin Campus, East Bentleigh, Vic. 3165, Australia
Issue Date: 17-Oct-2012
Copyright year: 2005
Publisher: Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd (P.O. Box 9002, London W1A 0ZA, United Kingdom)
Place of publication: United Kingdom
Publication information: Journal of the British Menopause Society. 11 (1) (pp 18-22), 2005. Date of Publication: March 2005.
Abstract: Endometrial cancer (EC) most commonly affects postmenopausal women. It is curable if treated early, but tumours with adverse histopathological features or at an advanced stage are associated with a high mortality rate. These cancers require a complex therapeutic approach, consisting of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy. As one of the leading causes of death from malignancy in women, EC has been subject to intense clinical investigation. This article examines recent advances in the surgical treatment of the disease, such as sentinel lymph node sampling and total laparoscopic hysterectomy, as well as topics such as conservative treatment of EC for fertility preservation. Furthermore, new agents for EC treatment are presented, for example inhibitors of the mTOR pathway and the angiogenesis-inhibitor VEGF-trap.
PubMed URL: 15814058 []
ISSN: 1362-1807
Type: Review
Subjects: drug tolerability
*endometrium cancer/dt [Drug Therapy]
*endometrium cancer/rt [Radiotherapy]
*endometrium cancer/su [Surgery]
*endometrium cancer/th [Therapy]
hyperthermic therapy
fulvestrant/ct [Clinical Trial]
laparoscopic surgery
meta analysis
sentinel lymph node biopsy
anastrozole/ct [Clinical Trial]
anastrozole/dt [Drug Therapy]
anastrozole/po [Oral Drug Administration]
angiogenesis inhibitor/dt [Drug Therapy]
angiogenesis inhibitor/pd [Pharmacology]
antineoplastic agent/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction]
antineoplastic agent/ct [Clinical Trial]
antineoplastic agent/cb [Drug Combination]
antineoplastic agent/cm [Drug Comparison]
antineoplastic agent/dt [Drug Therapy]
antineoplastic agent/pr [Pharmaceutics]
antineoplastic agent/pd [Pharmacology]
aromatase inhibitor/ct [Clinical Trial]
aromatase inhibitor/dt [Drug Therapy]
aromatase inhibitor/po [Oral Drug Administration]
cisplatin/ct [Clinical Trial]
cisplatin/cb [Drug Combination]
cisplatin/cm [Drug Comparison]
cisplatin/dt [Drug Therapy]
doxorubicin/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction]
doxorubicin/ct [Clinical Trial]
doxorubicin/cb [Drug Combination]
doxorubicin/cm [Drug Comparison]
doxorubicin/dt [Drug Therapy]
doxorubicin/pr [Pharmaceutics]
epirubicin/ct [Clinical Trial]
epirubicin/cb [Drug Combination]
epirubicin/dt [Drug Therapy]
everolimus/ct [Clinical Trial]
everolimus/dt [Drug Therapy]
everolimus/po [Oral Drug Administration]
fluorouracil/ct [Clinical Trial]
fluorouracil/cb [Drug Combination]
fluorouracil/dt [Drug Therapy]
gestagen/ct [Clinical Trial]
gestagen/cb [Drug Combination]
gestagen/dt [Drug Therapy]
gestagen/po [Oral Drug Administration]
gestagen/pa [Parenteral Drug Administration]
gestagen/pr [Pharmaceutics]
gonadorelin derivative/dt [Drug Therapy]
letrozole/dt [Drug Therapy]
liposome/pr [Pharmaceutics]
mammalian target of rapamycin/ec [Endogenous Compound]
medroxyprogesterone acetate/ct [Clinical Trial]
medroxyprogesterone acetate/cb [Drug Combination]
medroxyprogesterone acetate/dt [Drug Therapy]
megestrol acetate/ct [Clinical Trial]
megestrol acetate/dt [Drug Therapy]
paclitaxel/ct [Clinical Trial]
paclitaxel/cb [Drug Combination]
paclitaxel/dt [Drug Therapy]
rapamycin/pd [Pharmacology]
tamoxifen/ct [Clinical Trial]
tamoxifen/cb [Drug Combination]
tamoxifen/dt [Drug Therapy]
temsirolimus/ct [Clinical Trial]
temsirolimus/dt [Drug Therapy]
temsirolimus/pd [Pharmacology]
trastuzumab/ct [Clinical Trial]
trastuzumab/dt [Drug Therapy]
trastuzumab/pd [Pharmacology]
unclassified drug
vasculotropin trap/ct [Clinical Trial]
vasculotropin trap/dt [Drug Therapy]
vasculotropin trap/pd [Pharmacology]
fulvestrant/dt [Drug Therapy]
antineoplastic activity
bone marrow toxicity/si [Side Effect]
cancer chemotherapy
cancer hormone therapy
cancer mortality
cancer radiotherapy
cancer staging
cancer survival
cardiotoxicity/si [Side Effect]
clinical trial
conservative treatment
drug delivery system
drug efficacy
drug formulation
drug delivery system
drug efficacy
drug formulation
drug tolerability
*endometrium cancer / *drug therapy / *radiotherapy / *surgery / *therapy
hyperthermic therapy
laparoscopic surgery
meta analysis
sentinel lymph node biopsy
cancer chemotherapy
antineoplastic activity
bone marrow toxicity / side effect
cancer hormone therapy
cancer mortality
cancer radiotherapy
cancer staging
cancer survival
cardiotoxicity / side effect
clinical trial
conservative treatment
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Systematic review and/or meta-analysis
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