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Conference/Presentation Title: The training of a neonatologist.
Authors: Yu V.Y.H.
Institution: (Yu) Department of Paediatrics, Monash University, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, Vic. 3168, Australia
Presentation/Conference Date: 25-Oct-2012
Copyright year: 1992
Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd (P.O. Box 85, Limerick, Ireland)
Publication information: Early Human Development. 29 (1-3) (pp 121-123), 1992. Date of Publication: 1992.
Abstract: A neonatologist must acquire the basic knowledge of a perinatologist through training in a perinatal centre with close obstetric collaboration. As a clinician, he/she must acquire competence in the medical care of critically-ill neonates through 3 years of neonatal experience following general paediatric training. As an administrator, skills are required in nursery management, regional planning, audit and follow-up of high-risk survivors. Skills are required as an educator for medical/nursing staff and the community. Training as a researcher enables appreciation of perinatal research and appropriate application of scientific advances to clinical practice. He/she must become a person who cares, able to understand psychosocial and ethical issues in neonatology.
PubMed URL: 1396223 []
ISSN: 0378-3782
Type: Conference Paper
Appears in Collections:Conferences

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