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Title: A randomised control trial investigating the effect of improving the cleaning of shared medical equipment on healthcare-associated infections (The CLEEN study) Statistical Analysis Plan.
Authors: White N.;Cheng, Allen C. ;Browne K.;Russo P.;Stewardson A.;Amin M.;Graham K.;King J.;Tehan P.;Brain D.;Northcote M.;Mitchell B.
Monash Health Department(s): Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
Institution: (White, Brain) Queensland University of Technology, Australia
(Cheng) Monash University, Monash Health, Australia
(Browne, Northcote) Avondale University, Australia
(Russo) Cabrini Health, Monash University, Australia
(Stewardson) Monash University, Alfred Health, Australia
(Amin, King) Central Coast Local Health District, Australia
(Graham) Coast Local Health District, Australia
(Graham, Tehan) Avondale University, Monash University, Australia
(Mitchell) Avondale University, Central Coast Local Health District, Australia
Issue Date: 23-Jan-2024
Copyright year: 2023
Publisher: medRxiv
Place of publication: United States
Publication information: medRxiv. (no pagination), 2023. Date of Publication: 21 Dec 2023.
Journal: ENG
Abstract: This document outlines the Statistical Analysis Plan for the CLEaning and Enhanced disiNfection (CLEEN) study. The CLEaning and Enhanced disiNfection (CLEEN) study is a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial evaluating the role of enhanced cleaning and disinfection of shared medical equipment as part of hospital infection prevention and control programs. The study is preregistered with the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12622001143718) and is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (GNT2008392). The full study protocol used to inform the Statistical Analysis Plan has been published.1 A signed copy of the Statistical Analysis Plan is available on request from the corresponding author (BM).Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.
Type: Preprint
Subjects: hospital infection
infection prevention
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Randomised controlled trial
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