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Conference/Presentation Title: Partnering with a research team on a national aphasia study: reflections and learnings for Monash Health.
Authors: Jasudasen C.
Monash Health Department(s): Speech Pathology
Allied Health
Institution: (Jasudasen) Speech Pathology, Monash Health, Cheltenham, VIC, Australia
Presentation/Conference Date: 26-Aug-2024
Copyright year: 2024
Abstract: Background: A team of researchers at the University of Queensland are conducting a national study to support the implementation of aphasia best practice into clinical care. The study aims to determine who people with aphasia are, the quality of care they receive, the aphasia treatments they receive, and the outcomes they achieve. The objective is to use real world clinical data to understand aphasia care and outcomes to support the delivery of the right aphasia treatment, to the right person with aphasia, at the right time of their aphasia recovery. Monash Health is partnering with the researchers to recruit participants and contribute to the body of data. Aims: 1) Contribution to a national study; 2) Understand our local aphasia service Methods: Relationships were established with both internal and external stakeholders. Training was completed to understand the study protocol, the assessment tools, the minimum dataset for collection and to learn to use the database management software. Attendance at monthly project meetings. Recruitment and consenting of eligible participants. Administration of pre and post assessments, including participant and clinician feedback. Review of EMR and entry of minimum dataset into the database. Review of Monash Health’s local aphasia service (review of aphasia assessments, communication minimum documentation standards, familiarising the department in aphasia best practice guidelines). Result: Six participants have been recruited to the study. Recruitment has been slower than expected, with seven eligible participants declining to participate due to competing clinical priorities or reporting feeling overwhelmed with rehabilitation. Recruitment rate at Monash Health is on par with other sites across Australia. The Scenario Test (a performance-based measure of functional communication in daily life situations) may be added to our repertoire of aphasia assessments. Preliminary results suggest variation in aphasia documentation at Monash Health. Conclusion: The Kingston Centre is the largest subacute inpatient hospital in Victoria, providing aphasia services to a high throughput of stroke patients. It is important that we contribute to a national body of real world clinical data to improve practice and outcomes for people with aphasia. There is scope for improving the consistency of documentation of aphasia services.
Conference Name: 2024 Speech Pathology & Music Therapy Reseach & Innovation Showcase
Conference Start Date: 2024-08-26
Conference End Date: 2024-08-26
Conference Location: Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, VIC, Australia
Type: Conference presentation
Subjects: speech pathology
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