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Conference/Presentation Title: Ongoing music therapy group for a sub-acute population: an exploration of the successes and challenges
Authors: Mansell R.
Monash Health Department(s): Music, Art and Child Life Therapies
Allied Health
Institution: (Mansell) Music Therapy, Monash Health, Clayton, VIC, Australia
Presentation/Conference Date: 26-Aug-2024
Copyright year: 2024
Abstract: Background: Subacute hospitalisations can be prolonged and challenging for patients experiencing psycho-social symptoms and/or who are living with co-patients experiencing these symptoms. Common experiences include low mood, frustration, loss, agitation, confusion, and social isolation from loved ones.These challenges can lead to decreased engagement in medical treatment, rehabilitation, and have a lasting psychological impact. In December 2023 a 6-week music therapy (MT) group pilot was established on Casey Hospital’s subacute H ward to address psycho-social-emotional needs and foster a sense of community on the ward. The pilot was successful in producing an ongoing weekly MT group on H ward. Aim: This presentation aims to discuss the successes and challenges of the ongoing music therapy group on H ward. The primary objectives are to enhance patient mood and emotional supports, facilitate meaningful socialisation and connection, and assist in managing agitation and confusion. Method: The 45-minute MT sessions employ a range of therapeutic interventions including singing familiar songs, facilitating song choices, music-based games, reminiscing, discussing songs, and instrumental play. Sessions are supported by a Speech Pathology Allied Health Assistant. Results: The outcomes will be illustrated through three fictitious case studies derived from the facilitator’s observations and experiences during the program. These case studies will demonstrate how the MT group effectively enhances participant mood & emotional state, promotes meaningful connection & socialisation, and reduces agitation & confusion. Fictitious vignettes explore the ever-changing group dynamics offering learnings for fellow clinicians. Implications: This is the first ongoing MT group established at Casey Hospital since the service was established in Jun 2020. It offers a model and considerations for future service design. It accentuates the necessity for additional workforce to sustain AHA support and to navigate clinician concerns regarding equitable patient service provision across all subacute wards at Casey Hospital.
Conference Name: 2024 Speech Pathology & Music Therapy Reseach & Innovation Showcase
Conference Start Date: 2024-08-26
Conference End Date: 2024-08-26
Conference Location: Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, VIC, Australia
Type: Conference presentation
Subjects: music therapy
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