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Conference/Presentation Title: The community fracture capture (CFC) learning hub: implementation and evaluation.
Authors: Wark D.;Elsayed A.;Gorelik A.;Audehm R.;Ying Chiang C.;Chang S.;Yates C.;Snow S.;Barmanray R.;Price S.;Collins L.
Monash Health Department(s): Endocrinology
Institution: (Wark, Elsayed, Gorelik, Price) University of Melbourne, Department of Medicine, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia
(Gorelik) School of Public Health, Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia
(Audehm) Department of General Practice and Primary Care, University of Melbourne, Australia
(Ying Chiang) Melbourne University, Australia
(Chang) School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Australia
(Yates, Barmanray) Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia
(Snow) Praxhub, Australia
(Price) Department of Obstetric Medicine, Royal Womens Hospital, Australia
(Collins) Department of Endocrinology, Monash Health, Australia
(Collins) Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences, Monash University, Australia
Presentation/Conference Date: 27-Dec-2024
Copyright year: 2024
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication information: Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Conference: 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Toronto, ON Canada. 39(Supplement 1) (pp 166), 2024. Date of Publication: November 2024.
Journal: Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Abstract: Primary care physicians (PCP) play a key role at the community level in the primary and secondary prevention of fragility fractures. It is critical that they have appropriate opportunities to acquire and maintain the necessary knowledge, confidence and experience to fulfill this role. However, such opportunities are commonly limited for PCPs, given the paucity of suitable learning resources and the extent of other demands on their time and attention. Therefore, our multidisciplinary team has devised an online platform to address these needs. The CFC Learning Hub is characterised by easy online interaction with PCP facilitators and with topic experts, flexibility in the timing and amount of interaction, a small group format, and imparting information that is contextualised by reference to PCP participants' own (anonymised) patients. There is an associated knowledge hub where participants can explore topics in more depth. The program was promoted via an online medical education provider and through professional bodies relevant to PCPs. The CFC Learning Hub program was implemented and evaluated in four 6-week cycles, each with 11 to 19 PCP participants; 35 PCPs completed a post-participation evaluation survey. Based on the overall evaluation, the primary reason for participating given by 91% of respondents was either to improve patient care or to learn from experts; 82% were satisfied with the program content and 96% considered that their training needs had been entirely or partly met. At week 1 of the program, <50% were confident in applying published guidelines to investigate and manage osteoporosis; this increased to >97% at the end. The confidence in managing treatment failure rose from <10% at week 1 to 69% at the end and 89% were likely to recommend the program to others. Some participants provided suggestions for program improvements, including to increase the number of webinars/interactive sessions with specialists: these were found to be very engaging. Responses to additional questions asked in cycle 4 showed that 90% will change their practice as a result of the program. We conclude that this model for PCP learning has the potential to contribute significantly to the care of patients in our communities who are at high risk for fragility fractures. It might also be applied in other common conditions mainly managed in the general community. The Learning Hub model warrants further application with PCPs and other health professionals, and trialling in other professional fields.
Conference Name: 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
Conference Start Date: 2024-09-27
Conference End Date: 2024-09-30
Conference Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
Type: Conference Abstract
Subjects: fracture
fragility fracture
medical education
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Observational study (cohort, case-control, cross sectional, or survey)
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