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Title: Establishing an advanced nursing vascular access programme in a children's hospital: A successful journey.
Authors: Hsiao Y.-F.F.;Speekman J.
Institution: (Hsiao, Speekman) Monash Children's Hospital, Clayton, VIC, Australia
Issue Date: 27-Feb-2025
Copyright year: 2025
Place of publication: United States
Publication information: The Journal of Vascular Access. (pp 11297298251315234), 2025. Date of Publication: 10 Feb 2025.
Journal: The Journal of Vascular Access
Abstract: A description of our experience establishing an advanced nursing vascular access programme in a tertiary Children's Hospital in Melbourne Australia; from need identification to executive approval, training programme development and deployment, equipment procurement and quality assurance.
PubMed URL: 39930571
Type: Article In Press
Subjects: cannula
team nursing
vascular access
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Opinion, perspective or news
Appears in Collections:Articles

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