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Title: Microgeodic disease in an infant.
Authors: Stranks K.F.;Tiller G.;Liyanage N.;Bao D.
Monash Health Department(s): Paediatric - Rheumatology
Institution: (Stranks, Bao) General Paediatrics, Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville, VIC, Australia
(Tiller) Monash Children's Hospital, Rheumatology, Clayton, VIC, Australia
(Tiller) Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Rheumatology, Parkville, VIC, Australia
(Liyanage) Radiology Department, Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Issue Date: 2-Sep-2022
Copyright year: 2022
Publisher: NLM (Medline)
Place of publication: United Kingdom
Publication information: BMJ case reports. 15(8) (no pagination), 2022. Date of Publication: 29 Aug 2022.
Journal: BMJ Case Reports
Abstract: We describe an infant presenting with intermittent discolouration and swelling of her fingers and toes occurring with changes in ambient temperature. Extensive investigations revealed raised inflammatory markers as well as sclerotic lesions within the phalanges and diffuse marrow oedema. Infectious and inflammatory causes were considered and excluded based on the clinical presentation and investigation findings. The persistence of symptoms prompted further investigation with MRI. Correlation of the MRI findings with previous case reports resulted in a diagnosis of microgeodic disease-an uncommon, self-limiting condition thought to be due to cold-induced vasospasm leading to avascular necrosis of the bone.Copyright © BMJ Publishing Group Limited 2022. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
PubMed URL: 36038154 []
Type: Article
Subjects: avascular necrosis
bone marrow edema
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
Type of Clinical Study or Trial: Case series or case report
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